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Full Version: Disembarking units from vehicles
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Ever since OFP I have had a fondness for helicopter insertions. From time to time this has presented some problems in MP where units are stuck in the vehicle and not getting out properly. This is ofcourse not contributing to an enjoyable experience in game.

One of the problems encountered with missions that have playable units starting off in vehicles is that sometimes they do not want to disembark, even when the vehicle they are passengers of has a transport unload waypoint as well as unassignvehicle statements. In some recent missions I have therefore added a safeguard adding an extra eject action for all passengers. However, if those units have already left the vehicle, this safeguard fills up the Arma2.rpt log with messages because the action is invalid for a unit actually no longer present inside a vehicle. In case of a platoon insertion, this can claim quite some space in the log.

Do you consider this to be a big problem or not, or do you know of another wonder cure to make sure units are disembarked correctly, but does not result in unwanted pollution of the Arma2.rpt debug log?


What happen if you remove player action menu in vehicles and use only eject command? This would prevent players jumping out (prematurly too Wink ) and avoid flooding of rpt? Could also prevent bugs if players disconnect during flight.


The problem is not players jumping out, but units remaining inside a helicopter when it has touched down. I have no trouble with players jumping out of choppers: I usually have those flying at altitudes where this results in wounds as it is not high enough to properly deploy a parachute. In my opinion the cure may be worse than the disease with the spamming of the log file, as that happens all the time whereas the stuck unit is encountered occasionally.
oh, I read you as units leaving chopper before eject-command flooded rpt. If action-menu is removed, nobody is able to leave on touch-down but will be kicked out when eject-command is deployed?