Comrades in Arms Discussion Board

Full Version: Dead by Dawn
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Hi, guys,

Do any of you have a good copy of the missions "Dead by Dawn"?
I looked on the server and couldn't find it. The one I downloaded from OFPEC gives me an error message about missing "eastaicrew.sqs" - I don't remember getting that message when I played on the server a while back.
Hi Anguis, here's the one found in my mpmissions-folder. Go ahead and give it a try:
Thanks, man! Unfortunately, it still gives me the error. Does it do the same for you?
For some reason I cannot host a game to test this mission, but when I extracted the PBO it looks like lots of script files are missing. No wonder if it doesn't work.

but here's a complete version:
Thanks, man - I actually just figured out what was going on (I think). Here's my little write-up in the o-board: