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Full Version: Arma 2 in-game voice comms
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Bubba had an idea of trying the in-game voice. I don't want to take the ACRE topic too much off , so here we go..

Anyone please tell if you have any experiences using it!

Here's few thoughts; I have used it few times in the past. The original ArmA2 voice was working horribly. When Arrowhead came out, the sound quality was hugely improved. I'm afraid that it still would be a step backwards on these TS3 times and might be a suicide using it as primary comms system. Nevertheless, what about enabling it on the server and give it a try?

Yesterday while reading the Kyllikki forums, I noticed that they have a rule that dead players can/must use the in-game voice , not the Mumble they use normally. Dead players won't reveal their death and can chat freely on their own channel (the green one) without disturbing the alive ones. This is good use for the ArmA2 comms.

And more extreme: in one ACE session I've seen scripting that will teleport dead players to a far away island with a cottage and campfire, where they can sit and walk around and chat freely on the in-game Direct Speaking -3D channel and discuss of their mistakes etc. Not very practical to implement, because it must be scripted inside the mission. But just though mentioning this nice stuff...
Quote:what about enabling it on the server and give it a try?
Depends on how it will affect server performance, don't wanna waste game performance for this. And as long it's client side addons available for those who like disturbed sound, I can't really see the problem Wink
Here's a question - can the enemy AI hear any local voice comms, either in-game or using something like ACRE - person to person or person talking into a radio?
No way as long it is outside the game (like TS). In-game VC; I have no clue


The in game comms do not seem to affect the AI reactions in Arma II, unlike Vietcong (great feature in that game). The AI might be reacting to sound of movement or firing, but not the spoken words.

