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Full Version: LDDK & CiA joint FDFmod coop
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I could act as the radio man, but sunday night might be impossible for me :-\
I can be radioman. I'm not sure is platoon network Finnish as it were last time, but I assuming so.

I suggest that radioman-in-charge would concentrate listening Platoon Commander constantly at Mumble (while other radioman could be joined at mumble and disabled their mumble output by some hotkey and enable it if there is KIA). To get radioman's efforts little easier, I'd say to put radioman in different channel at TS3, so it doesn't have to listen 2 radio traffic at same time. Communication with squad leader and radioman can be done with channel commander in our server?

Some thing that radioman could do with all extra time he has is to easier coordination with squads are marking squads position with timestamps, so platoon leader would be informed constantly knowing squads status.

Any other suggestions?
Forget timestamp jäger, just keep lasst know position up to date. Will be difficult to get a quick overview with several "outdated" markers.
And sorry, no CC on TS3, at least not as you know it in TS2.
Last time there was some 10-20 min movements from place to place, so it was needed in that game. (Changing markers every minute is little boring.  Wink )
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