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Australian company Euclideon claims to revolutionize game industry. Something for AA3?

Industry insiders claims it won't work, here's their showcase video: [url=
Funny thing that I actually saw this yesterday too, and thought about posting about it.

But I just can't believe that that could be played with even a 2.5Ghz x4 processor. And not to mention the GPU it needs. So I don't think that will see commercial use just yet.

And the Terrain they created with it looks just dull. It looks like a polygon made terrain mostly because of the poor textures. So they really need a professional artist to sell that technology forward. Tongue
Please tell me this is a joke... Revolutionary?!

2.5Ghz x4 with average GPU might be well enough for that. There's already lot of games that have amazing graphics and don't require a monster rig to run. If they had invented high drawing distance combined with beautiful graphics and no changing LODs - that would be revolutionary.

The preview picture in the video made me think this engine would suit in future facelift versions of Minecraft  ;D