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Full Version: co10_i44_screen.chernarus
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Coop mission for 10 players.

Quote:February 1945

The German troops are trying to slow down the allied advance with delayed defences but the end of the war is only a matter of time.

Your platoon is tasked with flank protection of the withdrawal of the battalion which was started before dusk under enemy observation. Your platoon remained in place (hopefully unknown to the enemy) in order to deliver as much damage to the enemy advance as possible.
Most of your already weakened platoon was heavily wounded or killed during an artillery bombardment. At least the remaining squad had enough time to dig foxholes and some supplementary positions. One light MG team is positioned at the treeline. Another one is located in a reverse slope position at the village entrance. The antitank-team is also located at the village entrance. There are two supplementary positions in the village center.

The americans are likely to advance with a mixed recon patrol of armored cars, tanks and infantry. They have plenty of artillery support whereas you have none.

Just now the alert post has reported vehicle sounds from the east. The squadleader let man all positions and the platoon is awaiting the enemy advance with tension...
[Image: e6e83c178928890.jpg]
we re going to try this too, thanks.

Can you please explain me what is this line for ?
Quote:onTeamSwitch "selectPlayer (leader _from); {_x doFollow leader _from} foreach units _from; selectPlayer _to;";

I"m just curious and want to know much better on editor
It is for singleplayer and prevents units from freezing after you teamswitch out of a unit.
Uploaded this and your I44 other missions on the ARPS mod server. I'll post some feedback when we played them Smile
New version attached to the original post.

Added German briefing.html and overview.html
Reduced numbers of enemies