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Lowered difficulty of Wild Riders mission by removing the excessive MG nest emplacements. I also remove most of the soldiers inside the barracks to avoid tediousness (except for a few).
So looks like I forgot the ; for the init.sqf on unholy castle mission for Podagorsk, which was why the parameters weren't working, I fixed that now and the sepia effect was set to false, but I fixed that now. I turned AI share distance down some too, but don't expect not to get ambush hard again xD . I'd still say it'd be a very difficult mission. I don't know what's causing the frame drop for alwarren and varanon though, but it runs fine on my computer. I'll probably lower AI amounts if its too much but I also add a difficulty setting to lower them a bit between veteran and cadet.
I forgot to put !alive on condition win2 which was why the script errors never went away and the mission will not end after completely because of that for Truck Stop Road. I also lowered the amount of enemies to kill so you don't have to take out the entire cargo, but only the infantries that are inside the truck that the hostage is in to reduce tediousness.

As for the floating cam, that's probably an ingame bug. If you put a friendly in a friendly vehicle with this moveinCargo car; they will sit in the vehicle correctly, but if you do it on an enemy vehicle, you'll become a floating cam instead.

Any other missions that are a bit buggy or need fixing? Sorry for the careless mistakes.
A little two player version of the Double Pentration mission on Podagorsk.
A little three player version of the Double Penetration mission on Podagorsk taking place at the military camp instead of the train tracks.
CO 04 Night Stalk. You play as 4 guerilla fighters with silenced weapons who are in charge of taking back a stolen briefcase stolen by Chedakis then you must steal a boat and escape.
Phantom is on a roll! Big Grin
Missions uploaded?
Already uploaded and added to server mission list
Fixed Double Penetration mission again. The end wasn't suppose to be that easy, I set the men in black to patrol the wrong area so they were going to the railroads instead of patrolling the base after you are detected. I made it so that they patrol the base instead.
Also, you have a

waitUntil {!isNull player};

or something of that nature in the loadout scripts, you should put this around them.

if (!isDedicated) then {
  waitUnit {!isNull player};

This will prevent the script errors.
Alright, thanks alwarren. Should I update all of the missions with the ammo script in that case?
(07-12-2013, 06:28 PM)Phantom link Wrote:Alright, thanks alwarren. Should I update all of the missions with the ammo script in that case?

Not quite sure what you mean?
I meant all the missions that I use the ammo script with the WaitUntil and error message on them. Should I change all of those missions and update it?
(07-12-2013, 09:09 PM)Phantom link Wrote:I meant all the missions that I use the ammo script with the WaitUntil and error message on them. Should I change all of those missions and update it?

Well as far as I can see the error will cause AI to have their default equipment when they are not played by a player and hence run on a dedicated server. If you don't consider that a major issue, I would just leave it as it is now.
Strange, I thought some of the AIs were still carrying RPKs and such? The men in black default loadouts would be nothing at all, but I still see them with MGs and M4s that I equiped them with. I guess I shall do so later or something.
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