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(07-12-2013, 11:37 PM)Phantom link Wrote:Strange, I thought some of the AIs were still carrying RPKs and such? The men in black default loadouts would be nothing at all, but I still see them with MGs and M4s that I equiped them with. I guess I shall do so later or something.

The MiB's are not playable. You probably don't have the waituntil in there, do you? It only affects the waitUntil because player is not available on a dedicated server.
Actually, I did have the waituntils though they have their equipments anyways.
Alright... so Namalsk steal the chopper, yeah, its a mess, I checked the date and that the regular steal the chopper and day version were most up to date so I made a mistake of not updating the night one.

Well, I'm thinking of updating any missions that is either unbeatable, buggy, etc and then making a final update to the mission packs. I just feel that a large ongoing mission packs doesn't work for the type of missions that I make since sometimes I want to make more things complex and of course there will be bugs everytime that it becomes more a hassle to fix (as well as more messy) as the pack goes on. Overall, I just think that releasing missions like this might be more better off its just simple and straightforward type of missions (sander style basically).

Of course just because I'm planning to make a final update, doesn't mean that I'm stopping mission editing. I was thinking that maybe I should just release missions in either smaller packs. Maybe certain packs have certain themes or just a small handful of missions, campaign packs, or stuff like that and probably some single missions release (maybe for the more complex ones). I was thinking of releasing more in the fashion of... let say FHQ mission packs with a couple series of missions and new ones would be part of a separate pack instead of extending the list on and on. By certain themes, I'd probably meant something like probably Nkenny's lite mission pack (nice and quicky missions), or something like "Stealth Pack" where majority of the missions are stealth missions and etc.

So probably name of packs would be like "Phantom Mission Pack #1 - Quicky Pack", "Phantom Mission Pack #2 - Guerilla Pack", "Phantom Mission Pack #3 - Stealth Pack" or some sort like that. I wonder would that be better?
It def helps. I also find it helps if you have a tester. Though they may not catch everything its helpful to catch some things and notice some unintended effects.
I use to have a tester back then... Until they stopped playing ARMA :'(

With the large continuous mission packs idea, it just makes it for me like I'm cranking out too many at once in a short amount of time without testing. It may work for a really basic straight forward mission but if I want to try something new or complex, bugs would be expected. Sometimes, I also get a little careless and mark the wrong item.
Alright, so I made a little spreadsheet or things to do, bugfix, issues, etc so I can know what I need to do in order to fix all the missions for a final release of the mission pack. Green highlighted = 100% stable, tested, confirmed, etc. Yellow = possible fix, untested, unconfirmed. Non-highlighted = not bothered with yet. I'm going to bed soon, so I'll finish up the list later.

I list the mission on one side, issues/bugs/todo list on another, and the last column is where I'll put my remark, or outcomes (possible to be beat since someone has already beaten it), or theory on a possible way to beat if I think it is possible, but haven't tried the method before.
Six missions are fixed up, six more to go, and I got a headache now xD . Well, besides the i44 mission pack, six more to go.
While taking a break from bugfixing, I decided to take a finish up a mission I was working on. I haven't tried it out yet though.

There's voice acting inside I did myself. Insert by chopper, capture Montignac.
Great! The first Phantom CWR2 mission Smile
I'm just going to remove the girls for whorehouse invasion mission on Lingor like the ACE version, its too much of a hassle to deal with when I also have other missions to check plus it would be tedious.

I removed the static MG and technicals on baby bird (they shoot down little birds too easily). Only threats now should be machinegunners (there's a few, not too many). You can evade them. Might be a bit tedious if you don't mind flying back and forth to base to refill on hydra missiles. You can remove those MGgunners if you put difficulty parameter on cadet. Veteran will have those MGs but you can still evade. Now the biggest threat should only be Dshkm UAZ (but that's reinforcement that you have to take out later) <maybe salvage an RPG7 and not use the little bird instead>

Overall, I think baby bird seems fair enough now.
Great phantom, I am looking to play baby bird again. As a coop between Guerrillas and littlebirds, it interest me.
About whore house invatsion, have you upgraded the sniper team's weapons?
What about flares, too? This mission will look awesome with them lighting the night (maybe also limit the NVGs just to the sniper team?
I updated sniper weapons. I didn't add flares though, though I already added them to the server. I'm going to update another batch before I go to bed. It's 2:45 AM as I'm typing this.

Things I changed....

Steal the chopper night (NACs now have just MP5s and Bizons since AIs on the server is smarter than default)

Dark Hole (I just removed the one guy guarding the door, but still need to actually test one sneaking in, still might be a tough one)

Prison Busters (you can go ahead and raid the weapon stash. It won't trigger the alarm unless you're around the prison base itself. Those extra RPGs can be nice to have anyways. Maybe some police cars too. It'd be nice to blow a hole in the wall so its easier for prisoner to escape)

Cache Register 5 player version (I added an extra T-72 to the reinforcement, that's all. 15 player version still the same.)

Unholy Castle (I lowered the AI number <by parameters, so if you want the old large mob of enemies everywhere back, just set it to difficulty: Suicidal> <default is Veteran, and even less if you want cadet, I also removed Murk Spawn Script>)

I still need to try Black Mountain Crisis again. I rather try it with ACE since I find it easier to find issues around for ACE incase vanilla version is ok. For that desync, I still have no idea, but I wonder if this might do.

I might need a better hostage script for Flash of the Blade. It seems to work most of the time, but at random times, a player might teleport to the hostage and instantly free him. A simple restart the mission will do, but can get annoying I guess. It happens sometimes with this script I got from armaholic.

Does anyone know of a better hostage script than this one?

The hostage script on that armaholic page, it works and all, but the problem sometimes is in the beginning of the mission, a random team leader will teleport to the hostage and instantly release him. A simple restart will do but there's a chance it will fail and a chance it will not.

I'm getting bad headaches from too much editing now... I'm not sure if I'll be able to focus right during the coop nights since it is during the day for me. I tend to focus better during the night since heat hurts my head.
Is anyone up to help me test some missions on a non-coop night day?

The ones I highlighted yellows are the ones I need.
(08-06-2013, 05:30 AM)Phantom link Wrote:Does anyone know of a better hostage script than this one?
Phantom this mission includes a script that has the hostage tied up sitting on a chair. You have to approach his bindings from behind to release him through the action menu. I find it pretty immersive.
However, the mission is SP, I hope it works on a dedi server:

I can't promise about testing with you, but I might have a free night soon. If so, I'll give you a shout.
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