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I can't download that, author doesn't want to share the file anymore so its practically removed from download. Click it and it'll be file not found for download.
You can get it from the author's website:;down=35
I doubt that will be playable with MP

There's multiple groups for Flash of the Blade mission and that mission's script defines just "Player".

deletevehicle uno1trig;
Player RemoveAction UNOID1;
Player playmove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic";
sleep 9;
uno1 setCaptive FALSE;
uno1 allowdamage TRUE;
uno1 enableAI "ANIM";
uno1 switchMove "boundCaptive_unaErc";
uno1 setUnitPos "KneelDown";
[uno1] join grpNull;
[uno1] join player;
hab1 = TRUE;

_leiche = nearestObject [depp1, "Man"];
_waffe = primaryWeapon _leiche;
uno1 doMove getPos depp1;
waitUntil {uno1 distance depp1 <=1};
uno1 action ["TakeWeapon", _leiche, _waffe];
{uno1 action ["TakeMagazine", _leiche, _x]} forEach magazines _leiche;

The hostage script I'm currently using might be better than that, just a little buggy at times... It is this one below. Looks like that one defines just player as well.

// execute with in units initline.
// _null = [this] execVM "Hostage_male.sqf"
// hostage
_CivnotRescued = true;
_man = _this select 0;
_man setcaptive true;
_hostageact1 = _man addaction ["Untie","hostagevars.sqf"];

while {_CivnotRescued} do {
_num=(ceil(Random 3));
if (_num==0) then {_man switchmove "civilsitting"};
if (_num==1) then {_man switchmove "civilsitting01"};
if (_num==2) then {_man switchmove "civilsitting02"};
if (_num==3) then {_man switchmove "civilsitting03"};
sleep 1;
if (not(captive _man)) then {_CivnotRescued = false};
if (not alive _man) exitwith {_man removeaction _hostageact1};
sleep 1;
if (not(captive _man)) then {_CivnotRescued = false};
if (not alive _man) exitwith {_man removeaction _hostageact1};
sleep 1;
if (not(captive _man)) then {_CivnotRescued = false};
if (not alive _man) exitwith {_man removeaction _hostageact1};
sleep 1;
if (not(captive _man)) then {_CivnotRescued = false};
if (not alive _man) exitwith {_man removeaction _hostageact1};
sleep 1;
if (not(captive _man)) then {_CivnotRescued = false};
if (not alive _man) exitwith {_man removeaction _hostageact1};
sleep 1;
if (not(captive _man)) then {_CivnotRescued = false};
if (not alive _man) exitwith {_man removeaction _hostageact1};
sleep 1;
if (not(captive _man)) then {_CivnotRescued = false};
if (not alive _man) exitwith {_man removeaction _hostageact1};
sleep 1;
if (not(captive _man)) then {_CivnotRescued = false};
if (not alive _man) exitwith {_man removeaction _hostageact1};
sleep 1;
if (not(captive _man)) then {_CivnotRescued = false};
if (not alive _man) exitwith {_man removeaction _hostageact1};
sleep 1;
if (not(captive _man)) then {_CivnotRescued = false};
if (not alive _man) exitwith {_man removeaction _hostageact1};

_man removeaction _hostageact1;
_man disableAI "MOVE";
if (alive _man) then {
player attachto [_man,[0,-0.9,0]];
player setdir 0;
player switchmove "AinvPknlMstpSnonWrflDnon_medic";
sleep 3;
player switchmove "AinvPknlMstpSnonWrflDnon_medicEnd";
sleep 1;
player switchmove "";
_man switchmove "SitStandUp";
detach player;
sleep 2;
_man enableAI "MOVE";
// just put // before this if you dont want the unit to join your group
[_man] joinsilent player;
Missions updated on server.

co10_douchery.takistan : Random probability of enemies reinforcements. Sometimes you get that overwhelming force again. Sometimes you get just land vehicles, sometimes just air, sometimes, nothing at all, etc... Randomized each time you play.

co10_flash_of_the_blade.takistan : Changed hostage script. I just found one for ARMA 3 alpha, modified it a bit. I don't see script errors so seems to be good.

co05_prison_busters.lingor : Added difficulty parameter. You can set it to hardest difficulty and it'll be the same as before. Medium difficulty toned down a bit of enemies, and easy even more.
Alright, all the missions on the mission packs should be tweaked up and good to go now.


are all that's left to be checked and confirmed whether its good enough or needs more tweaking.
Thanks phantom. looking forward to playing these again.
I got 4 missions left to test. Anyone willing to help me check to see if these are good to go tomorrow?

co05_dark_hole.namalsk (this one might be a toughy, but I hoped its manageable now)
co05_prison_busters.lingor (probably will be tough, but I hope it should be manageable)
co10_truck_stop_road.Takistan (removed UPSMON on convoy so they all won't megastomp you this time. Hostage isn't floating camera anymore. Convoy go towards execution area, will automatically get delete if they reach there, and mission fail is hostage is taken there)
co10_douchery.Takistan (reinforcement is randomized. Sometimes its the full force of tanks, choppers, APCs, and stuff, but that's a low probability. Sometimes there is none <another low probabililty>. Sometimes there's just tanks, or just motorized infantry, or just helicopters whether it is just transport, just combat, or both... completely randomized.)
Alright, got more missions tested thanks to Maverick's help. All that is left is prison buster and I'm done, do one more double check for ace earplugs for missions that needs them, briefing tasks, parameters, etc then I'll release a last version of the pack.

All I need to know is whether prison buster is fair yet or not. Should be still hard I guess, but as long as its fairly hard I guess.
Great! Thanks for all the time you put into your missions phantom. Much appreciated.
Any idea for this one? Prison busters. I already changed the revolver to buckshot shotgun instead since the revolver can't really do much.
Alright, so after another update. Hostage don't have get a crappy revolver anymore, you get a M1014 with buckshots so now you can take out those 2 guards with SA61 and Saiga. I set it so reinforcements will come in between 10-20 minute (Outlawz's request, but seems necessary) after the alarm is off if you're detected around the proximity of the base.

Since I set the APC reinforcement in 10-20 minutes. Should I set it back that you must face all 5 armored cars and APCs or leave it as what I have it so far (Easiest difficulty - 1 armored car, Medium difficulty - 2 M113 like vehicles & 1 jeep, Hardest - 3 M113 like vehicles and 2 armored car).

I also added 4 OG7s and an M32 in the weapon cache.

During testing with maverick before I made this update, well, we couldn't do it with a team of AI on the medium difficulty, but on easiest it was way too easy (well, I guess it should be if you set it on easiest). I hope the default medium difficulty should be manageable now. It's meant to be hard, hopefully I didn't "throw the baby out" like what I did with unholy castle. I didn't tone down any enemies from the last update and I won't.
Alright, I'm going to change the addaction for the satcom so that you can only use it with yourself instead of see duplicate SATCOM option when you're near other people.

I guess the location specifics of where things are, are a bit vague in Dark Hole, so I'll change the riddle... (no more dirty sounding things this time I hope) (what I meant by that is the guard faces the wall in the shower where the AT stash is held, but well, there's an RPG container in one of the barracks in the showers though, you won't need it).

Looks like I did mention that the radio is in the elevator in the tunnels during the briefing in the SUPPORT part of the notes.

I'll be ready to release a last version of the mission packs soon. I'll make one last double check for script errors and such before I do. Any last suggestions?

Edit: Done (for the change the riddle in briefing for dark hole and double penetration, between two, blockbusters, and dark hole SATCOMs have been fixed to only players can use addaction on themselves and not get another duplicate when they go near another player <thanks Outlawz>)
First off, I really liked that mission. The feeling of fighting underground while there's fighting going on ABOVE you is something I was yet to experience.
Sorry, somehow I missed the elevator part in the briefing...
Make the fact you need to call for two different reinforcements more clear on the briefing.
Let the players do a bit of fighting around the SUV. We barely had any fighting topside.
Change the time of day to twilight or something, it's a shame that such a beautiful environment is wasted on the ugly green of the NVG. I suppose that the underground will be lighted too?
Ok, I'll try to make the two reinforcements more clear in the briefing.

Around the SUV, I guess it use to be it have to be like that, but one of my adding reinforcements attempt, the Russians seem to have taken out all the NACs (of course they won't stand a chance against the full force of the NAC reinforcements once they arrive). The reason why I added reinforcements was because it was impossible before (well, mainly due to the NAC super spotting skill in the dark when they have NV Goggles and will shoot you instantly at the base before you can even get to the tunnels. Say, if we were to play this again and try to go guns blazing on the surface instead, we'd be instantly dead since once we're detected and we're not close to the tunnels, NACs will get their NVs and we'd be shot at and not know what hit us (maybe that rail gun guy might get us, or even one of the guard towers).

For time of day twilight, I don't really want the NACs to see any better for this mission for the surface. I did have lit underground before, which also add some lights on the surface (and I added an ability to turn off the lights in the old version, but avoiding the NACs didn't work out after testing with around 6 fail attempts in a row trying to get to the tunnels.

Maybe for another mission once I get around to that (say, guerillas escaping Namalsk in the middle of a battle between NACs and some other faction (probably I'd make it men in black) above the surface, barely got out the sewers right before sunrise. No one's friendly, just try to escape or something with a few leftover lone NAC stragglers underneath the tunnels.
You seem to be working around the NAC super skill quite a lot, maybe they are not the best OPFOR...
About men in black - I don't know... No one goes to fight wearing suits... The only scenario they seem to fit in is bodyguards for VIPs. Anything different is an immersion killer in my opinion.
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