Comrades in Arms Discussion Board

Full Version: Arma 3 - co06_data_fish.altis
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Mission: Swim to shore and meet up with the recon unit. He will fill you in on the information. Steal a suitcase with NATO intel then report back to him.

Situation: You have just landed in the water after diving. You will swim to shore, speak to the recon unit and then arm up and infiltrate the FIA held island and retrieve the info.

Enemy Forces: FIA guerilla fighters.
Sounds cool! Looking forward to it.
Updated with Psycho's wounding system.

I'll keep the old link without it incase something goes wrong.
Updated with the updated first aid system.
We completed the mission. It had one of the most intense gun fights I had with Arma 3. Great job!
:o I never know what to expect on results coming out of a mission I made sometimes and not getting to see it with my own eyes xD . Thanks.

Updated with newest update of first aid script.
Yet another first aid script update.
Does anyone knows what causes weapons in ammobox to not be able to be taken out of the ammocrate. I remember this mission use to work good many patches ago and now its broken :/ . Some people reported to me that they cannot take any weapons out of the ammo crate. I even try wrapping and if isServer around the ammo.sqf . I called it on the box with nul = this execVM "scripts\ammo.sqf"
try using call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers instead of execVM or put the loadout into the init.

I use a local or isServer check and add loadouts with the global cargo commands into the init line.
Oh I already fixed it. I just forgot to add global at the end of all the addWeaponCargo, etc, etc.