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Full Version: Freedom Fighters COOP 15
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This is episode 12.

Elements of the newly formed NAR forces called Freedom Fighters have to rescue a NATO SF squad and escape.

Mission type: Infiltration, Convoy, fire from vehicles
Terrain: Afgan Village
Required: @CUP, @FATA, @ASDg_JR, @CAF

Download: a zip file containing following episodes: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

All tested fully or partially on dedicated.
Why partially tested?
We died too early Smile
Have you fully tested it on a dedicated environment as per Outlawz' guide?
Coop nights are not a test bed.
Add cheats to your mission, or test the framework before adding enemies, that will ensure that the mission works at least in principle
Yup, thanks Varanon, i did those kind of tests Wink
After playing this mission, I have to say I liked it for the firefights and the rather nerve-wrecking drive to extraction.

I would, however, generally recommend to cut back on the special effects and the like in your missions, Alias. It feels like there is (at least for my taste) a bit too much spectacle in them, too many flares, too many earthquakes, etc. For example, I liked that mission of yours (Can't remember the name) were we had to kill the convoy and bug out, but I thought that the meteoroids were just too much, and that is how I generally feel about these special FX. Hundreds of flares falling from the sky, it just feels overloaded.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying the missions are bad, they aren't, and I really enjoyed them. I just would cut down on the spectacle, that's all.
Copy that AL, thank you for feed-back Wink. 
I'll rework this mission.
This is the loadout script i used for BLUFOR units. For some strange reason removes medikit from medic and toolkit from engineer.

Can you tell why? Cuz i can't Smile Thank you!

if ((side _x == west) and (!loadp) and (local _x)) then
_isHandled = _x getVariable "loadout";
if (isNil "_isHandled") then
removeAllItems _x;
_x unassignItem "NVGoggles";
_x removeItem "NVGoggles";
removeHeadgear _x;
removeGoggles _x;

_x addHeadgear "H_PilotHelmetFighter_B";

_x linkItem "ItemGPS";
_x setVariable ["loadout", 1, true];
} foreach allunits;
removeAllItems _x;

Sure way of removing, well, all items, like medikits, toolkits and FAKs
Thanks Varanon. Makes perfect sense.
In my head items were only the watch, compass, gps...
Works fine now.
The command you're looking for, then, is removeAllAssignedItems