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New mission guys!

[Image: AC8402076FFC85CB8B2D8BD38B84FD76AD3AF445]
A convoy transporting weapons and artillery is scheduled to leave Oumere at approximately 4AM today. Your job is to stop it.
Uploaded to the server! Thanks!
Sounds great. Thanks Sempri!
Ten more mission like this one pleeeease! Perfect balance between length, complexity, and action. Keep up the great work Sempri, inspiring work.
Variable Wrote:Ten more mission like this one pleeeease! Perfect balance between length, complexity, and action. Keep up the great work Sempri, inspiring work.

Thank you Variable! Working on a new mission right now.
By the way, I saw on your workshop that someone complained about "HeliEmpty"...

That used to be the invisible heli pad. If you are using my create extraction script, the old version still uses that. In that case, replace "HeliEmpty"  with "Land_HeliPadEmpty_F" in the script, and that error should disappear
That reminds me, the chopper waited for us in the extraction LZ when we got there, I don't suppose that was that intentional?
Varanon Wrote:By the way, I saw on your workshop that someone complained about "HeliEmpty"...

That used to be the invisible heli pad. If you are using my create extraction script, the old version still uses that. In that case, replace "HeliEmpty"  with "Land_HeliPadEmpty_F" in the script, and that error should disappear

Hi Varanon, I didn't use your script, but now that I know you have one, I might look into it. what I did use was the CUP version of the helipad and not Vanilla. Not sure if that was the problem but I switched it anyway to vanilla and tested it. Seem to work fine, but it also worked fine when I used CUP. 

The other thing I realized was that I didn't include "CUP terrain core" in the list of necessary mods needed in the workshop description. I had it activated while making the mission but didn't list. Does, the Cup heli pad from that mod?

Variable Wrote:That reminds me, the chopper waited for us in the extraction LZ when we got there, I don't suppose that was that intentional?

The chopper did leave when dropping you off, but it comes right back after soon after you complete the mission. So it look like it was always there. What I should have done, is make a trigger when you get close the extraction as Blue for present- with a condition of objective to be complete. I would look better to see the chopper come in for the pick up.

Going to need to fix that.
Great idea, even better than have the chopper move in only after we reach the specific LZ.