Comrades in Arms Discussion Board

Full Version: Drip Feed (SP/COOP 4-12)
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Drip Feed

Kunduz Province, Afghanistan

The village of Limar is suffereing from a water shortage due to damage suffered to their pump station inflicted by the local Taliban. The village is supplied via re-purposed fuel tankers with fresh water, but the last delivery has been ambushed by Taliban and its Afghan Army escort killed.

Local ISAF command has dispatched the Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK) to retrieve the two tankers. Remember that the primary target is not to make a point and kill all Taliban in the area (although that point would be very well received by the local population); the primary target is returning the tankers.

- Dedicated server compatible
- ACE compatible (but not required)
- Support for Spectators, Zeus, and Headless Clients.
- Die deutsche Freiheit wird am Hindukusch verteidigt, oder so ähnlich.

(might still be hidden)