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I want to make a mission, where a chinook drops a hummer down to the player. My problem is, i have downloaded the script and the test mission, but i don´t get it. What am i supposed to write in the ini. fields and activation fields? And what shall i call the hummer? (I mean whats the editor name).

Is it only the CH-47 who can carry vehicles?

Can a chopper carry tanks?

Can i be in the vehicle during transport?

If anyone have the answers, PLZ send them to:
the script you are referring to works a bit different than you think:
- vehicles or units to be transported are located far away. They are "beamed" to the
landing position of the Helo.
- Simply adjust the coords of beaming or use qan invisible H to mark the actual position where the helo lands. Then use setpos , getpos to beam the units to the H coords.

If you refer to transportation script where vehicles are transported beneath the helo please clarify the question.