Comrades in Arms Discussion Board

Full Version: Would love to join you guys for a game?
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Hi guys

Been reading your site and it seem you all like the same style of games as myself and a friend, that being coop.

I used to play a lot a few years back and myself and a friend (Ivan) have recently rediscovered the game, there's not really anything else out there to match it, imho.

We find it difficult though to find good coop games with players sometimes. Sad

Do you mind if we swing by for a few games, probably weds night?

Busy downloading all the addons as I type. Anyway it would be great to play some coop with others who appear to love it and won't drop out the game half way through.

Like the site btw. Cool


Freefly Big Grin

PS read that Lobanak reached his 30's not long ago..same here..heres to another decade