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LEA - Loadout Editor for Arma 2 CO & ACE - Printable Version

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LEA - Loadout Editor for Arma 2 CO & ACE - Nouty - 07-04-2012

Just discovered this addon and I'm super excited about it. Basically it lets you choose your loadout out of all the weapons and equipment in arma during a mission! If the mission maker only gave you crappy weapons or not enough explosives or AT to finish the mission, no problem! Or maybe you just wanna play around with some custom loadouts  for fun. Smile
The ability to change your loadout is present for a few minutes at the start of a mission, in your action menu. The actual changes to your loadout are made in an outside application, and the changes are then saved to your game profile in the modfolder. The action menu option just applies the changes made into the game.
The addon is client side.

Download link:

All the info on how to use it can be found on the armaholic page. Give it a try!

I've been testing it for a little and I already made a few profiles for different classes, like AT, MG and Sniper. It's great to be able to use your own loadout, say as a sniper, instead of the rifle, ammo and other gear that the mission maker has given you.
Of course there is always the issue that people might just start fooling around with idiotic loadouts, but I think this community is mature enough that it won't happen, unless we especially want to fool around with idiotic loadouts, just for laughs Smile

The addon is made specifically for ace, so some inventory stuff might be a little off in vanilla, like satchels will only show taking one inventory slot in the editor, but will take two slots in game. This in my experience doesn't however cause any errors if you accidentally overload your inventory, you just won't have all the stuff with you that you thought you would. You can also use this with other mods, like FDF and CWR, which is really nice.