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Ejecting crew at waypoint statement - Printable Version

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Ejecting crew at waypoint statement - treendy - 11-19-2016

Hey all,

Creating a waypoint, and at its end I need to eject all crew, this is the waypoint statement:

_heloWp setWaypointStatements ["true", "hint ""hmmmm""; {unAssignVehicle _x; _x action [""eject"", vehicle _x]; sleep 0.5;} forEach crew vehicle this;"];

and getting this error: "Error Generic error in expression"

However... all units eject and carry on with what they are suppose to do, so everything is working fine... I can ignore this message, but would rather fix it.

Any ideas?


RE: Ejecting crew at waypoint statement - Varanon - 11-19-2016

sleep does not work in an unscheduled environment, and triggers, waypoints etc are all unscheduled

_heloWp setWaypointStatements ["true", "hint ""hmmmm""; {this spawn {unAssignVehicle _x; _x action [""eject"", vehicle _x]; sleep 0.5;} forEach crew vehicle _this;"}];

Try this, this should do the trick

RE: Ejecting crew at waypoint statement - treendy - 11-19-2016

thanks, it worked the same, still getting the error

Error Generic error in expression

just strange that the units are exiting the vehicle fine and moving to the next waypoint, even though this error occurs

RE: Ejecting crew at waypoint statement - Varanon - 11-19-2016

_heloWp setWaypointStatements ["true", "hint ""hmmmm""; {unAssignVehicle _x; _x spawn {_this action [""eject"", vehicle _this]; sleep 0.5;}} forEach crew vehicle this;"];

Try this ?